VAT registration List
Able to check the list of VAT registrants by checking the list of VAT registrants which is still operating as of the date of the audit Our system will connect to information from the Revenue Department database system. When using the taxpayer identification number 13 to fill in the system, the information will be displayed.
This is because this status can be changed which prevents the impersonation of issuing tax invoices illegally. which will damage to the company that uses the service or receives the said tax invoice It is also to verify the identity of the trading partner.
In which we provide information about checking the status and details of operators that have been properly registered with the Revenue Department They also have the right to issue VAT invoices according to the law. Both domestic and foreign entrepreneurs who want to verify that the trading partner is the one who can issue tax invoices according to Thai law or not.
On the left-hand menu, at the menu ข้อมูลกรมสรรพากร (Revenue Department Data)
, and then select รายชื่อจดทะเบียน VAT (VAT registration List)

You will see the system page as shown in the figure.

By entering the tax identification number 13 and clicking on the ค้นหา (Search)

If the result is displayed as shown in the figure.