Integrate your system with e-Tax Invoice & e-Receipt
For companies or organizations that already have an accounting system program But if you want the accounting system to be compatible with our e-Tax Invoice and e-Receipt systems
We provide a service to manage the connection between your accounting system and our e-Tax Invoice & e-Receipt system by developers from Leceipt that will do the programming or develop the system. By doing the following
- We can connect your accounting system to Leceipt via APIs.
- We can integrate your accouting system with e-Tax Invoice & e-Receipt.
The advantage is that customers do not need to install a new account system. This may be time consuming to install a new system to the preparation of data and waste time having to learn to use the new system.
“Just use your existing accounting software. Come install or connect to our system.”

If interested, you can inquire at the phone number 082-579-8555.
Leceipt, the e-Tax Invoice & e-Receipt software by Frevation Co., Ltd.