How to register
1. Get started
After into this website you will something as picture below.

Then create your account by click on the สร้างบัญชี (Create Account)

On the page “สร้างบัญชี (Create Account)” please on the ลงทะเบียนเดี๋ยวนี้ (register now)
for those have never signed up now.

After that you will see form for register.

2. Create your Account
Verify your identity via email
Start filling in the “email” information, which should be the current active email address. And then click on the button ส่งรหัสตรวจสอบสถานะ (Send verify code for checking status)
. The system will send a verification code to the user’s email address to confirm that “The e-mail that was filled in said The user owns the email and the email still works”.

The system will send the code to the email that has been filled in, which will get the code as in the example picture. From the picture, the code will be a 6-digit number, as in the example “123456”, which is an imaginary number. Each person will receive a different code number.

Then put the code number in the box below the email as shown in the picture.

Suggestion : When you receive the code via email, you should bring the received code to fill in the information immediately. Otherwise the code will expire as shown in the picture.

In case the code expires, it can be sent by pressing the button. ส่งรหัสใหม่ (Send new passowrd)
ไม่เปลี่ยน: “>
Then there will be a field to enter the email, which will then enter the email again and check the code from the email and bring that code to fill in the box for entering the code.

Set your password
Next will be to set a password for the time when logging in. By setting a password must have more than 8 characters or more, but should not exceed 64 characters. When entering the password that you want to set, then confirm that password by entering the password that you want to set for confirmation again.

Enter your name and phone number
Fill in the information, firstname and surname as shown in the picture

Then enter the name you want to display and the phone number. then press the button. สร้าง (create)

Then the system will process. Please wait a moment. Then the system will take you to the page บริษัท (ผู้ขาย) (Company of seller)
3. Enter seller information
This section of the page contains the information of the company (the seller) in detail.

3.1 Enter a name of บริษัท (ผู้ขาย) (Company)
This section must not be blank as in the example picture.

3.2 ต่อมาเป็นจะเป็นส่วนIn part of a “company address” This section should also not be left blank. =

3.3 Entering road information can choose a prefix whether to choose a typeถ.
or ถนน
or ไม่แสดง (Not show)
the fill a enter a “street name”.

3.4 Entering the province information as well as the address can choose the prefix จ.
or จังหวัด
or ไม่แสดง (Not show)
click to select province or district information. This section must not be blank as in the example image.

3.5 Entering district or district information, you can choose a prefix by selecting อ.
or อำเภอ
or เขต
or ไม่แสดง (not show)
and then clicking to select the desired district or district. This section must not be left blank as in the example image.

3.6 Entering subdistrict or district information, you can choose a prefix by selectin ต.
or ตำบล
or แขวง
or ไม่แสดง (not show)
and then clicking to select the desired subdistrict or district. This section must not be left blank as in the example image.

Then fill out รหัสไปรษณีย์ (postcode)
do not leave blank either.
3.7 Entering เบอร์โทรศัพท์ (Telephone number)

3.8 The Company (Seller) email field should also not be left blank. As picture bellow.

3.9 Company (Seller) email field This section may not be empty as well. as an example.

3.10 Entering the head office or branch, which can be selected สำนักงานใหญ่ (head office)
หรือ สาขา (branch)
this section must not be blank as well, as shown in the picture.

If choosing a branch, fill out the branch number as well. This section should not be left blank as well.
Once all the information has been filled in, press the “Save” button.